“Plentiful Country: The Great Potato Famine and the Making of Irish New York” Book Talk:  by Tyler Anbinder

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 6:30pm 

Church of St. Mary, 440 Grand St
(between Clinton Street and Pitt Street)
Entry to event space is ramp at the righthand corner (east side) of the church.

Sponsored by: 

Lower East Side Preservation Initiative

Art Loisaida Foundation

Cuala Foundation

New York Irish Center

Church of St. Mary


Registration is required; register HERE.

L.E.S. Festival of the Arts Exhibit 2024: Democracy, Use it or Lose it

Crystal Field, Executive Director
Presents: L.E.S.
Lower East Side Festival of the Arts Exhibit
Democracy: Use It or Lose It
TNC Gallery May 6 – August 1, 2024
Opening Reception May 22, 5:30 – 8pm at TNC Gallery
Carolyn Ratcliffe, Curator

Lower East Side Festival of the Arts Gallery Guide

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Collage with Valery Oisteanu

 Saturday, April 13th @ 2 PM

Create Your own East Village Collage this Saturday, April 13, 2-4pm on 2nd floor w/Valery & Ruth Oisteanu @ Ottendorfer Library- Bring 10 of your fav images of THE EAST Village -materials provided by NYPL & Art Loisiada Foundation

East Village Gallery: “All Tomorrow’s Gardens” exhibit

Curated by George Hirose & Kerri Lindström

@ 621 East 11th St. NYC

All Tomorrow’s Gardens
A Celebration of NYC Community Gardens

Presented by EV Gallery 621 East 11th St. NYC
August 4-13, 2023  
Curated by George Hirose & Kerri Lindström 

Opening Reception: August 4, 6-9pm
Special Performances:
6:45pm Adam Ende / Jawbone Puppet Theater “The Turnip
7pm Rude Mechanical Orchestra 

With Sidewalk Tape Art Installation by Kuki Gomez

Featuring work by Vera Alexandrov, Nora Balaban, Lois Bender,  Melinda Billings, Elisa Blynn, Leilah Cohen, Carla Cubit, Lane Diko, Eileen Doster, Joan Dworkin, Carmen Einfinger, Adam Ende,
Kyle Ericksen, Kuki Gomez, Ken Hiratsuka, Ryoko Hirose, George Hirose, @mx.enigma, Aresh Javadi, MJ King, Michael Koster, Elizabeth Kresch, Sally Lelong, DD Maucher, Joan Elizabeth Meyer, Esther Mizrahi,
Bill Morrison, Laurie Olinder, Rochelle Pashkin, Gilda Pervin, JenniferPodIsDead, Rolando Politi, Daniel Polnau, Carolyn Ratcliffe, Reynolds, Daniel Root, Bonnie Rosenstock, Lee Ruelle, Nick Savides,   Annie Shaver-Crandell, Marie Suchan, Gretchen Van Dyk,
Margie and Jenny Wardlaw – CashmerePunk, Lili White, Sally Young, Felicia Young, Donna Zimmerman

Thursdays 5-8
Fridays 5-8 (Opening Friday until 9)
Saturdays 1-6
Sundays 1-6 (Closing Sunday until 7)

This exhibition honors the past, present and future of one of NYC’s vital resources, our community gardens. The modern age of urban community gardening began in the 1970’s and 80’s. These gardens grew out of burnt out and abandoned lots after years of neglect, quite often due to the purposeful destruction of properties by unethical landlords. In marginalized areas of the city, people banded together to reclaim unused land for the betterment of their communities. They created beautiful and safe spaces for children to play and learn about nature, and for neighbors to plant, grow a garden, and gather together. Every year there are hundreds of events, educational workshops, and food distribution initiatives in the many gardens that dot our urban landscape.

Community gardens by nature are activist spaces and the fight continues to protect and preserve these spaces that are constantly under threat by urban development. This show is an artisticexploration and expression to celebrate what is possible through solidarity, commitment and love. 

“ALL TOMORROW’S GARDENS” is co-sponsored by LUNGS (Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens) and Art Loisaida Foundation inquiries: george.hirose@gmail.com or 917-833-8123
Inquiries:  george.hirose@gmail.com.

Art Exhibit: Ryan Lee

February 13 – April 17, 2023

Ryan John Lee is a photographer/filmmaker based in New York City. He is a longtime resident of the East Village.

Street photography is a lifestyle, with my camera as a silent, omnipresent partner. I approach street photography in two ways: hunting and waiting. I hunt for potential moments and respond accordingly to photograph their image. Additionally, I wait for ideal photographic scenarios (a beam of light, an interesting composition), and I linger until a subject approaches and interacts–sometimes for hours.

These ten photographs represent hunted or anticipated moments I’ve been fortunate enough to capture. They depict the subjects I’ve encountered in both everyday life and while traveling. Some are humorous or touching, while others are heartbreaking. I hope these images transform the ordinary into something more magical. I strive to highlight the calm within the chaos of the urban landscape.